Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Two Months Old

Whew, two months have passed.  With CC I used to think, "Wow, the time really flies!" But with the twins I think, "The first three months are supposed to be the worst, and I'm already two-thirds done!"

What they're up to lately:

- Smiling! Sweet Pea has been smiling for abut a month now, but it has really hit a new level lately. Boy, is she a happy baby! Little Man started smiling about two weeks ago and his crooked grins melt my heart. One of these days I will get a picture of them smiling together.

- Cooing. This is VERY recent, just really in the last week. It's so nice to hear sounds out of them that aren't crying!

- Rolling over. Well, only Little Man, and only once. But that was the major milestone this month!

- Sleeping. Sweet Pea is a solid sleeper and will often sleep all night when I am unable to rouse her for meals. Little Man wakes frequently to eat, and has a hard time sleeping in between meals. I suspect his fitfulness has to do with hunger, since his screaming keeps him from having large meals that would satisfy him longer. Another reason to get to the bottom of his feeding issues!

- Bathing. MJ and I have become quite the proficient bathing team. We can get both babies undressed, bathed, dried, and dressed again in about 20 minutes. Sweet Pea might actually enjoy her baths, and Little Man has learned to tolerate them. This is all very novel to us, since CC hated getting bathed and would scream bloody murder!

Other miscellaneous things: yesterday they were upgraded to size 1 diapers. And I've packed away quite a few newborn-sized clothes that no longer fit. Little Man has lost the majority of his hair, and just has peach fuzz left.  Sweet Pea still has quite a bit of hair left, compared to Little Man and where CC was at this point.

Finally, for those of you who ask me how I get such good pictures of my kids, I just want to show you that there are always a bunch of photos that get deleted. For every "keeper," I get a ton of pics like this:

Ha!  Love it!

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