Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mommy Brag

Can I give a little shout-out to myself, here?  Can I brag for just one brief minute?

Because I just finished up Little Man and Sweet Pea's baby books.  And updated CC's.  

It took a TON of time.  I had to fill in all the little updates (this blog was very helpful when I needed all the dates that their various teeth came in, for example, or when they rolled over/sat/stood for the first time).  I had to decide which pictures would go on which pages, then order those pictures, making sure I had a detailed list of where each picture was supposed to go so I wouldn't forget by the time they arrived.  Once the pictures arrived, I cut them all to fit the cute little boxes and painstakingly affix them.

CC's book hadn't been updated since she was about 9 months old, so there was quite a lot of information and pictures to put in there, too.

I used the C.R. Gibson Keepsake Memory Book of Baby's First Five Years for all three of the kids' baby books, and I highly recommend them.

Now that all three books are complete, they are actually so stuffed with pictures and hospital bracelets and ultrasound images that they don't even close flat (you'd think scrapbook manufacturers would allow for extra space, grumble grumble).

It's been about a month since I started, and I'm done (up to this point, anyway).  I am ridiculously proud of myself.  So many people have made comments to me about how Little Man and Sweet Pea wouldn't get baby books, or lots of pictures, or many mementos, because of "second child syndrome."  Everyone and their brother have implied that I wouldn't have time to do things like that with three young kids. 

Well, the twins will not get shortchanged, and I made time to get it done, thankyouverymuch!

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