It seems like every once in a while, the kids will make a ton of big developments all at once. It happened to CC right around 6 months, when she started sitting up, laughing, and interacting with us in a much more involved way. It happened to her again around 2 years old, when her vocabulary exploded and she started talking about -- and remembering -- everything.
I've been waiting for a developmental explosion from Little Man and Sweet Pea, and we are definitely there right now. In the last few weeks, so much has happened!
Sweet Pea has started waving. She waves to me across the room when she's playing. She waves at Daddy across the table during meals. She waves at her sister and brother when she sees them first thing in the morning. It's adorable.
They both have a new favorite game to play with CC. They will take turns throwing their stuffed animals out of their cribs, and CC will throw them back in. They all giggle like mad, then the twins will throw them out again. I can't tell you how awesome it is to watch and listen to them actually play together!
Little Man has started clapping. I heard a slapping sound coming from the back seat of the car last weekend, and looked in the mirror to see him happily clapping away (we were singing at the time). Since then, he breaks into fits of clapping all the time -- mostly when he hears music or singing. He's very proud of himself!
He's also so so so close to standing on his own. The other day he stood fairly steadily for about 10 seconds before he realized and grabbed a chair. And today he stood up for a second and, off balance, took about three little steps before tumbling. Literally any day now, I expect him to realize he can stand without support.
(For the record, I don't count those little shuffle steps as "walking." He was off-balance so those weren't deliberate steps. Plus, is it even possible for a baby to walk before he can stand?!)
Little Man has also learned his first animal sound: snake hissing. I say to him, "What does a snake say?" and he will immediately start giggling and say, "Ssssssssss!" It's his one and only party trick, and it makes me laugh every time. But seriously, this is a really big development, because this is the first time he's communicated verbally. I ask him a question and he answers! It seems so small, but it's a huge step.
Lastly, they are both saying "mama." I'm not quite ready to say it's their first word, because sometimes they say it when they're playing with toys, and sometimes they say it to each other, and sometimes they say, "mamamamama." But sometimes they say it right -- like when I was bringing Sweet Pea upstairs for a diaper change the other day, and Little Man followed me to the base of the stairs, looked right up at me, and said, "Mama!"
(For the record, it would be nice payback if Mama was their first word. It was probably CC's 100th word! She said Hi, Daddy, Shoes, Cheese, and a bunch of others before she finally got around to saying Mommy!)
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