Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Recap

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving, visiting MJ's family!  Here's a photo bomb of some of the moments we shared:

Little Man at the airport, obviously excited to be taking his first flight!

Sweet Pea suckered Grandma into "walking" with her constantly.
Probably why she took her first steps on Thanksgiving Day!

Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Grandpa, CC and Great Grandma Jean,
Skyping with Aunt Kelly, Uncle Brian, and cousins Anna and Abby.

Watching Grandpa carve the turkey.

Taking a field trip to a very funky local store.
It's a combination of Chuck E Cheese and a grocery store!

How we maneuvered through airports with three little ones:
an inexpensive double stroller purchased just for this trip!

As usual, it was a wonderful trip.  Great Grandma Jean, who lives nearby, was able to meet Sweet Pea and Little Man for the first time.  Grandma and Grandpa showered all five of us with love and attention. We rented a minivan for the week, and although it was convenient to have all of us fit in one car, I didn't really care for it in general.  No fear of us getting one anytime soon!

The flights were not so great.  All three kids had major tantrums.  And although I know it wasn't fun for anyone seated near us on either plane, I was disappointed in the number of glares and snarky "suggestions" that were aimed at us.  C'mon, people, it wasn't fun for us, either!

But the end result was a warm, loving visit with family, and that's the most important thing.  As usual, I came away from this Thanksgiving so grateful for our supportive, caring families.  We love you all!

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