Thursday, April 25, 2019

CC's 8-Year Checkup

Another year, another smooth doctor's appointment. Especially since the kids don't need vaccines again until they're 11. Whew!

CC's appointment was first thing in the morning, so I'd planned to bring her to the appointment, and drop her off at school afterwards. But I completely forgot, and put her on the bus to school instead. Once I realized, I had to hightail it to school to pick her back up and race to the pediatrician's office!

CC chatted the doctor's ear off about her birthday party and her gifts and her lamb cake and school. Literally, the poor woman had to (very nicely) tell her to stop talking so she could listen to CC's breathing and heart beats!

CC weighs 43.5 pounds, and is 3'10" tall. This puts her at 4th percentile for both height and weight. Our kids are mighty mites -- small but healthy!

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