Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sweet Pea's First Sleepover

Last night, Sweet Pea had her first sleepover! She was invited over to Mia's house. 

This was the first sleepover for any Morrison child, and CC was quite indignant that she didn't get to go first. Ha!

Sweet Pea did fine, as I knew she would; MJ and I agreed that she's the least likely of our three to get scared and want to come back home. When we picked her up this afternoon, she was brimming with tales of pizza, movies, donuts and popsicles. Linda tells me that despite Mia having a trundle bed in her room, the girls decided to sleep curled up together in Mia's twin bed. Adorable!

Meanwhile, back at home --

Little Man: I can't sleep without Sweet Pea in my room!

Me: Buddy, what are you going to do when you're older and have your own room?

Little Man: I dunno. Have a statue of Sweet Pea?

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