Monday, July 22, 2019

Swim Success

After much pleading from the kids, I finally took them to swim at the Y. It's not my favorite activity, because according to the rules of the Y, I have to be in the pool at all times with the kids unless they have yellow bands.

CC earned her yellow band two years ago. Sweet Pea couldn't let CC lord it over her anymore -- and she loves challenges.

She passed in about half a second. Thanks to all her swimming at Miss Alice's pool, she is a little fish. After demonstrating that she could float on her stomach and on her back, she was told to swim halfway across the pool. She swam there ... and then continued swimming all the way to the end. 

"You passed!" called the lifeguard. "Great job -- you didn't even need to swim that far!"

Sweet Pea flashed me her biggest smile. And then she swam all the way back.

Now if I could just get Little Man to earn his ...

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