Monday, August 19, 2019

Birthday Recap

It was a whirlwind day, but so much fun!

The kids came racing down the stairs and it was like Christmas morning. Sweet Pea was thrilled about the bike and helmet she'd picked out, but hadn't seen in person yet. Little Man received his biggest Lego set ever -- the Millennium Falcon, at a cool 1400+ pieces. 

How awesome is it to have your birthday breakfast served by a pirate??

After breakfast, Little Man immediately dove into his Legos, while Sweet Pea went out to try out her new wheels. And her new unicorn helmet: a very tasteful and understated piece.

Later, we went to a video-game arcade with friends, met Grandma for dinner (and more presents!), and capped off the day with a movie night at home. The next morning after church, we did their annual birthday measuring.

Little Man is 46.75 inches tall, up almost 3 inches from last year.

Sweet Pea is 45.75 inches tall, up exactly 3 inches.

Now they're counting down the days until their party. The fun's not over yet!

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