Friday, August 19, 2022

Birthday Recap

Sweet Pea and Little Man's birthday started with a bang. MJ got up to go for a run at 5:30 am, then came back in the room and whispered, "Did you know that Sweet Pea TP'd the hallway??" 

Um ... WHAT?! 

There was toilet paper everywhere. Down the hallway, decorating the guest room doors, blocking the stairs. We later discovered that she even TP'd Little Man's bedroom.

"I set my alarm clock for 1:30 am!" she proudly explained later. I still don't know how she managed to do all that without waking any of us up.

That was our introduction to their birthday!

We had a lovely day, regardless. Presents first thing, Krispy Kreme for breakfast, playing with their new toys all day, and a lovely party with Grandma and Grandpa for dinner. An extra special treat was that Aunt Maripat, Uncle John, Shannon and Uncle Brien were visiting too, so it was a full house and quite the party! We celebrated Brien's birthday at the same time, with a colorful cake for all three of them.

Later we did the honorary birthday measuring:

Little Man got a fish, which he named Fisto after one of his favorite Jedi knights. Sweet Pea got an electric scooter. They both got Legos and a host of other fun gifts. And now we're done -- until my side of the family gets together. Whew!

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