Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Happy 10th, Sweet Pea and Little Man!

They're TEN?!? How is that possible?! All our kids are in the double digits, which seems crazy to me.

At 8:42 am exactly ten years ago, Sweet Pea joined our family. After all these years she's still a bright light for us, a happy-go-lucky, charming little girl. She continues to be my barnacle, happily attaching herself to me wherever I go. Her fits of temper are sharp and fierce, but they're over quickly and she's back to her normal self.

Her favorite foods are mac n cheese, crispy pork belly, and avocado. She is constantly on the move, loves rainbows, still adores her cars over any other toy, and always has a mischievous glint in her eye. 

She broke my heart this week by deciding she no longer wants to do gymnastics, but I remind myself that we've raised her to think for herself and make good decisions. I hope that whatever she decides to pursue, she is happy. And I know she'll be successful at whatever she does!

Little Man burst into the world at 8:44 am ten years ago, and added a blast of noise and enthusiasm into our family. He's never afraid to tell us what he really thinks; he's obsessed with Star Wars and can go on for hours in great detail about minor plot twists; he's mercurial and smart as a whip and loves to cuddle more than any other Morrison kid.

His favorite foods are lasagna, dumplings, and cheeseburgers. He claims to hate school, but blows the doors off every test he takes. He's recently gotten back into Legos after a brief hiatus, and now he can almost always be found playing with an armada of Star Wars ships built of Lego bricks. New in his world: he has started playing in his room by himself, which has never happened before. I hope his confidence is building!

I am constantly thankful that God gave us these precious lives. Our family is so, so blessed. Happy 10th birthday, Little Man and Sweet Pea! We love you to pieces!

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