Saturday, October 29, 2022

Fall Ball

Little Man's latest baseball season has ended, and he was lucky to be on a great team. The coaches were supportive but firm, and the boys were kind and worked well together. Fortunately, they also happened to be very good! They won every game but two, and finished at the top of the league.

He's considered an 11-year-old by the rules of Little League, so he's playing in the best/oldest division. Most of the kids are much larger than he is, and many of them made impressive plays and hits this season. I was particularly impressed by some of the pitchers on his team.

Little Man continued playing in the outfield most of the time, with occasional stints at 3rd base. He didn't get any hits this season, but he did walk a few times, which made him happy. This winter, he will continue to work on batting and catching fly balls so he can make a bigger contribution on future teams.

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