Sunday, October 30, 2022

Jack O'Lanterns

We had a packed weekend, but we had to make time for Jack O'Lantern carving, of course! Between swim practice, dance classes, Mass, our neighborhood block party, a playdate, and a sleepover, we squeezed it in.

Sweet Pea unfortunately wasn't feeling well. She asked if we could finish her pumpkin for her. So I drew it to her specifications, and MJ carved it on the couch where she could watch. Thank goodness she was feeling better later in the day, and she added some finishing touches to truly make it hers.

Amber kept a close eye on everything, and helpfully cleaned up any stray bits of pumpkin that fell on the floor.

Little Man planned his design out meticulously, beginning with a diagram that had a legend to show how each section would be carved. 

And CC, who had no idea what to do before we started, found a cute spider pattern that she replicated.

The kids need less and less help each year. It's pretty cool to see what they come up with!

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