Thursday, January 19, 2023

Life Lately

We've been getting back in our groove after the holidays. I finally got the Christmas decorations packed away, and organized all the new toys and activities that were acquired over the holidays.

We took the kids to see their first movie since Covid: Puss In Boots. (Thanks, Pohls!) They loved it and haven't stopped quoting from it ever since.

The kids spent their Christmas money, including this lovely new set of adhesive nails that CC picked:

And we've been keeping warm when the cold weather rolls in, like Little Man when he makes his own sauna by curling up in his blanket on top of the heating vent, and letting it inflate around him like a hot balloon:

There have been art projects galore, including this one that Sweet Pea did (thanks, Aunt Susan and Uncle Jon!):

And as always, there have been plenty of giggles, like when the kids wrap up in their blankets and play "Burrito" or "Worm Wars."

Stay warm, everyone!

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