Thursday, August 17, 2023

Happy 11th Birthday, Sweet Pea & Little Man!

They're exceptional!
They're endearing!
They're ELEVEN!

Our favorite twins are really growing up, and this school year they'll be in different homeroom classes. They share a hatred of uncomfortable clothes and a love of Costco hot dogs. They're super active and can often be found wrestling like puppies. They still have slumber parties in Little Man's room, just the two of them (like last night!). Whenever we hear them giggling like mad, we know they're up to something.

Little Man is super proud of the fact that he's the tallest Morrison even though he's the youngest (by two minutes!). He only has one volume (loud), and has never met a stranger. He'll even pipe up out in public if he overhears anyone asking a question that he knows the answer to. His smile is still his trademark, and his impish giggle and grin are infectious. He loves pranks, bathroom humor, Big Nate, anything gross, and -- his first love -- Star Wars. He doesn't like new experiences, and often has to be convinced to watch a new movie or go to an unfamiliar restaurant. Once he tries something, he usually likes it okay -- but then he'll go back to his tried-and-true.

His favorite color is a deep purple, and his favorite foods are burgers and lasagna. He's a homebody at heart and will often choose to stay back when I'm running errands (unless I'm going to Costco -- see earlier re: hot dogs). He's the kind of kid who only has a few close friends, and he's fiercely loyal to them. He is incredibly knowledgeable about Star Wars minutia, down to the most obscure character in a minor spin-off show. He's also very competitive, and will turn anything into a showdown.

He's the most likely to make me scream every day, and simultaneously the most likely to make me laugh. I can't resist his grin, and his shy, side-leaning hugs make me melt. We love you so much, Little Man!

Sweet Pea's favorite color is yellow, and it's no surprise -- she is a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. She will always choose to be with me, whether I'm sleeping, running errands, or attending boring meetings. One Sunday I attended Mass twice (long story), and she chose to come with me a second time!

She's shy around strangers and will just smile instead of talking. But around her friends -- and there are tons of them -- she's a chatterbox. She swims like a fish, tumbles all over the house, and is the most likely source of any loud thump! we hear upstairs. Her latest obsession is friendship bracelets, and she makes them constantly.

Her favorite foods are mac n cheese, eggs, asparagus and avocado. She still adorably mispronounces some words, like church ("turch"), ambulance ("amb-wee-wance") and laundry ("larndrey"). She's hands-down the messiest of the Morrison kids, and can easily be found by following the trail of wrappers, discarded clothing, unfinished art projects, and shoes. She's the most likely to be walking around with no pants on.

She's legitimately better than Daddy at Gran Tourismo 7 (a car-racing video game), and few things make her happier than playing a board game. She's sweet, a little sassy, and our rainbow of happiness. We love you, Sweet Pea!

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