Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Happy Halloween!

Our three little pumpkins had a great time on Halloween, the second-best kid day of the year (according to Little Man).

We carved pumpkins over the weekend, and everyone was very pleased with their creations (although Daddy did most of the hard work).

It's one of Amber's favorite days, too -- she always enjoys when raw pumpkin goes flying around the house.

I just love how every year, their Jack O'Lanterns match their personalities perfectly! (Not that Little Man is a deranged murderer, but he always goes for the biggest shock factor.) CC was especially proud that her Jack O'Lantern coordinated with her costume this year.

The kids' costumes were Anne Boleyn (from Six), Chewbacca, and a unicorn. Sweet Pea made a last-minute change due to the low temps. (She was originally supposed to be Rae from Star Wars, but it was really cold last night, so she changed to this fuzzy one-piece pajama unicorn.)

Little Man is the first Morrison kid to ever trick or treat at someone else's house. He was invited to go with his friend Brennan (who was a Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda), and they had a blast.

CC invited a big group of friends over to go trick or treating with her, and Sweet Pea went along too. They all came back earlier than expected (!) and happily sorted and traded candy until bedtime. Another successful holiday!

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