Tuesday, July 23, 2024

End of an Era

After three years, CC has quit her year-round swim team. It's very time-consuming (four times a week), and she'd like to take more dance and cirque classes in the future.

She made this decision back in the fall, but she's had a really hard time going through with it! She loves her coaches so much, it's been hard to say good bye. She first decided to finish the short-course season, which ended in March. Then she decided there wasn't any harm in finishing the long-course season, since it ends in August, before all the new dance and cirque classes start up. 

Since she'll be gone at camp for the next two weeks, her final practice was last Saturday. She was sobbing as she hugged Jeremy, her favorite coach, and it even made me teary! She'll still continue to swim for our summer league, and Jeremy helps out for some of those events, so she'll still see him every once in a while.

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