Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Camp!

The kids went away to camp last week! MJ and I didn't even know what to do with ourselves! (That's not true. We went out to eat every night, and I caught up on lots of other things around the house. But it's QUIETER.)

This was Sweet Pea and Little Man's first year attending as middle schoolers, and the girls both had friends attending with them. 

As always, MJ and I sent them emails every day, and stalked the website photos for glimpses of them. Fortunately, we got a few good ones!

The kids went gem mining and waterfall hopping, did the zipline ("like a thousand times!"), played in the lake (except for Little Man, who in four years has never gone in the lake), ate way too many sugary cereals ("I had four bowls of Froot Loops for breakfast every day!"), sang campfire songs, played pranks, did the Ninja course, and tons of other camp activities. Little Man and CC even participated in the talent show: Little Man's group did a silly skit about an invisible bench, and CC's group sang the British national anthem in honor of their counselor, who was from London.

Now they have just one day to rest and recover before taking off for another camp! Stay tuned!

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