Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Visiting Grandma Jean

Grandma Jean turned 102 this summer!! And what better gift could we give her than to visit her in person? 

We offered to bring her dinner that first night, but she said she'd rather have ice cream sundaes. No arguments here! We loaded up on different ice creams and toppings at the store and put out a full spread at her house. We decided this will be our new tradition: whenever we visit her, we'll have ice cream for dinner.

She is so gentle and good with the kids, and they are good with her. Little Man made her a Star Wars drawing and spent quite a lot of time explaining it all to her (she was a good sport -- I'm sure she didn't understand half of it). And CC gave her a bracelet that she made, and tied it carefully on Grandma Jean's wrist. It was really sweet.

In addition to seeing Grandma Jean every day, we also visited Munson's Chocolates (of course), browsed the Lego store, and swam in the hotel pool. 

We also learned that Grandma Jean had never tried Chick Fil A! We couldn't allow that to continue, so we brought her a sampling of Chick Fil A's finest options for lunch one day, and she enjoyed it (despite putting ketchup on her sandwich). 

The other highlight of the weekend was seeing Cousin Carol. We took her to Mass on Saturday night, then went out to a nice dinner. Afterwards, the kids ran around in her backyard, and we all exclaimed over all the beautiful hydrangeas she had!

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