Friday, August 16, 2024

Annual Wellcheck

As much as Little Man and Sweet Pea were looking forward to their birthday, they've been dreading their annual pediatric appointment. Before middle school, all the kids need their vaccine boosters, and their time was up.

Sweet Pea went first (naturally). She sat there, bemused, as the nurse got all three shots done in less than a few seconds, and without any pain. She couldn't believe it! She hopped down and it was Little Man's turn. His did not go so smoothly. He had to be pinned down as he wriggled and fought and begged for more time, and right as the last injection went in, he jerked his arm hard. Blood started running down his arm and dripping off his elbow. Goodness. Sweet Pea had stepped out of the room to go to the bathroom, and when she walked back in, her eyes went wide and she whispered, "What happened?" The nurse rolled her eyes as she mopped up the mess, and warned Little Man that he was going to have a whopper of a bruise there.

After that, the appointment went smoothly. They don't have any medical concerns, and they're both rambunctious, healthy pre-teens. Thank God! Sweet Pea weighs 77.5 pounds, which puts her in the 18th percentile. And she's 54.5", which is 4th percentile. Small, but mighty. Little Man weighs 67 pounds (5th percentile), and is 56.5" (18th percentile). We're keeping an eye on his weight, but so far it seems he takes after CC -- naturally slender and fine-boned, like MJ.

They were relieved when it was all over, and we celebrated by getting milkshakes at Chick Fil A. Now ... bring on their birthdays!

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