Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea and Little Man!

It’s the twilight of their tween years .. the twins are turning TWELVE!!

They're spunky, fun, and loud. They're on the brink of starting middle school, and they have mixed feelings about it (but I'm confident they'll be great). They bicker and tease, but they also giggle together like crazy, and are frequently found working together on Legos, or reading a book, or learning a new game. Their lingo is sprinkled heavily with Gen X-isms like "sus," "pause," "bussin," and "rizz," and they love to explain to us that we just don't understand their generation.

Little Man shows no signs of becoming more reserved as he matures. Sweet Pea recently told someone that Little Man could talk to a wall, and that's very true. He loves learning the minutiae of his interest areas (Star Wars, sports, Minecraft) and will spend a lot of time reading his favorite books over and over again. Lately he's been interested in reading the Bible ("Hey! There's a lot of really violent stories in here!") and no matter his motivation, I support it. Another one of his favorite books is the Guinness Book of World Records, which he will often read aloud as he follows one of us around the house.

He's incredibly talented as an artist. He almost exclusively draws scenes and characters from Star Wars, and they're getting more and more realistic. I always display a few on our fridge, and it makes me smile whenever I look at them. Recently the entire kitchen table has been covered with scraps of cut paper and mutilated boxes, because he's making his own Star Wars-themed board game, complete with individual game pieces and an intricate plot.

His favorite foods are yogurt (only if it has Life cereal or granola Cheerios sprinkled on top), PB&J sandwiches, burgers, and mac n cheese. His favorite color is still purple, but he also really likes camo. He's a homebody at heart, generally preferring to stay home instead of going out, and I know he gets that from Dad! 

In the last few years, we've seen fairly significant improvement in many of his anxiety-based behaviors. He's finally playing piano while sitting on the bench (previously he dragged a tall-backed dining chair over to the piano, so his back would be protected). He makes eye contact more often, and is starting to show more examples of empathy and compassion. I am really encouraged by all his progress.

Happy 12th birthday, Little Man! We love you always!

Sweet Pea is turning into quite the feisty young lady. She's quick-witted and has hilarious facial expressions, and sometimes it's hard for me to keep a straight face. She loves everything about current pop culture, and is up-to-date on all the slang, books, events, influencers, and foods that everyone else is buzzing about. She's still 100% a tomboy, and hasn't worn a dress in years. This winter she'll begin cotillion classes, and I'm curious to see how she reacts to wearing a dress every week.

She's a sensitive soul on the inside, and gets her feelings hurt easily, but it usually blows by quickly and then she's back to her normal self. She has friends everywhere she goes, and easily fits in with any group. She loves board games and making friendship bracelets, and is generally the most easy-going of the three kids. She's also the messiest by far!

She's still very involved with Cirque, but in her spare time she listens to music and choreographs dances in the hallway. She loves animals, Taylor Swift, and graphic novels. Her favorite color is still yellow, and her fave foods are mac n cheese, egg & cheese biscuits, and Chick Fil A.

We love you, Sweet Pea! Happy 12th birthday!

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