Thursday, September 1, 2022

10-year Checkup

Yesterday the twins got out of school early to have their 10-year well check. And it was all good.

Sweet Pea is definitely not as tiny as she once was, compared to her peers. She's 63 lbs, 3 oz, which puts her in the 22nd percentile for weight. And she's 51.25 inches tall, which is 11th percentile. Those numbers might seem small to other parents, but considering she was once not on the scale at all, they're very robust to us!

Little Man weighs 66 pounds (34th percentile), and is 53.5 inches tall (33rd percentile). Definitely our most balanced kid, and the largest as well -- which he's very proud of. He tells everyone, "I'm the biggest kid even though I'm the youngest!"

They were relieved not to get any vaccines this appointment, but they're already dreading next year, when they'll get three in preparation for middle school. Shots are one of those things that my kids really freak out about! But for now, I'm focusing on how healthy they are. Thank you, Lord!

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