Tuesday, March 7, 2023

CC's Cotillion Dance

CC is done with her cotillion classes for the year. The session ended with a huge dance that included about 150 other 6th graders from schools all around our area. She was very excited, and took great care in preparing her outfit for the evening, even asking me to curl her hair. And best of all, she wanted me to chaperone! That way she could demonstrate all the dances she learned, and I could take video and pictures for her.

All the kids were assigned a dance partner for the first dance, and a marked location on the dance floor. And for every subsequent song, the girls rotated over to a new partner and they did a different style of dance. So CC got to shag, slow dance, swing, and waltz with four different boys, plus many others during the "circle mixer," which was her favorite. They also did line dances and (of course) "Y.M.C.A."

She thought the first two boys were really friendly, but was extremely unhappy with the tall boy in the gray suit, who refused to move much at all. But a few dances later, she and a different boy won the waltz competition, because they were able to keep a tennis ball between their foreheads the longest!

Direct link to video: https://youtu.be/ljOLwpWnErg

CC is already looking forward to next year's classes. This is definitely right up her alley. Sweet Pea and Little Man, on the other hand, are already dreading it!

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