Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 21 Belly Pic

This morning I compared this week's belly shot with the first shot we took in Week 13.  I am significantly "thicker" than I was then.  Still no need for maternity clothes, as my pants are still fitting fine.  But my tummy continues to get more firm and more defined, although it's not really noticeable in the picture. 

Big news this week:  MJ felt the baby move!  I've been feeling movement (what I assume is movement, anyway) more frequently in the last week, and yesterday morning MJ put his hand on my belly and felt several "bumps"!  I can't wait for the movements to become stronger and more consistent, but I'm thrilled to be feeling Otto move around. 


B-Mama said...

Looking great! So excited to hear you're feeling the baby move! Very fun...

Carol said...

You are going to be the only woman in America who is estactic when her pants don't fit :)

Carol said...

oops-ecstatic. I really miss being able to have coffee cup #2 in the mornings.

kyannone said...

I SO hate you for not showing...I think I'm still showing 3 years post baby :P

Alexandra said...

seriously... I'm only a few weeks ahead of you (26 wks on Wed) and it looks like i've swallowed a melon!