Thursday, December 2, 2010

Banana Pudding

Oh, glorious banana pudding!  I've been waiting for you for quite a while now!  Yes, Otto is the size of a banana this week.  And yes, I realize that bananas are generally considered smaller than the cantaloupe from last week, but I assume "size" in this case refers to length rather than girth.

I don't make banana pudding too often, but it is one of my favorite dishes and I've been looking forward to it for weeks.  I used a recipe of my neighbor's, which was both easy and delicious:

Banana Pudding
  1 large box instant vanilla pudding
  8 oz sour cream
  2 large bananas
  Cool Whip, defrosted and softened
  Nilla Wafers

Make the pudding according to the instructions on the box.  Add in the sour cream and mix well.  Line a 9x9 glass dish with Nilla Wafers, and slice the bananas to make an even layer across the cookies.  Pour the pudding mixture over the bananas and cookies.  Spread about half the Cool Whip over the pudding to make a top layer.  Take 8 or so remaining Nilla Wafers and crush them, then sprinkle the crumbs on top of the Cool Whip.  Let chill in the fridge for about 2 hours or until ready to serve.

I was not surprised that MJ opted not to partake of my baby recipe this week, despite the fact that he also loves banana pudding.  His will power to eat healthy is very impressive.  I, on the other hand, not only had a rather large helping, but had more for breakfast this morning.

Otto has taste buds now and is supposedly developing likes and dislikes already, so I have been advised to concentrate on healthy foods in order to instill good eating habits.  Well, I suppose there are worse things our child could develop a liking for than banana pudding!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um... Uhoh. If baby likes and dislikes are created in the womb then Dane will be eating nothing but chocolate chip cookies, white bread and bacon burgers. Nicely done on the pudding-for-breakfast! -s