Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 28 Belly Pic

Holy cow, I'm in my third trimester!  Only 12 weeks left now, so we're in the home stretch.

Speaking of stretching, I'm pretty sure I'm starting to get a few stretch marks.  Sigh.  I suppose I shouldn't be too upset, considering most women get them and they will probably fade away after Otto is born.  You can't see them in the picture, but I have a few dark spots, almost like little bruises, in a line going up the other side of my belly.  I assume they are the beginnings of stretch marks -- what else could they be?

Belly Watch 2011 continues ... still no comments about pregnancy from strangers.  I've noticed a few people glancing down at my belly, but maybe they're too nervous to say anything (I might just have a beer gut, after all!).  MJ's aunt Maripat visited this weekend, and she didn't think I looked obviously pregnant either.  MJ and I both agree that it depends greatly on what shirt I'm wearing.  And since the weather's been cold lately and I'm usually wearing at least a fleece, it's less noticeable.

1 comment:

Carol said...

This belly would have been PERFECT with your Halloween costume though! You look perfect.