Monday, February 7, 2011

Carpal Tunnel

The numbness/tingling that I've mentioned in previous posts has gotten worse, unfortunately.  And although I'm grateful for how easy my pregnancy has been thus far, I have to admit that this particular symptom is a doozy.

My right hand (it just had to be my right hand, didn't it?!) is constantly tingling, as if I have permanent pins and needles.  At night there is a terrible ache and stiffness as well, which often keeps me awake and lasts well into the next day.  And I can't use my right hand to grasp anything small for more than a minute or two before it becomes unbearable.

My OB says this is a severe case of pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel syndrome.  If so, I have a whole new level of sympathy for people with carpal tunnel.  It is incredibly frustrating not to be able to use your primary hand!  Brushing my teeth, writing with a pen or pencil, using silverware, and even carrying small objects now have to be done (awkwardly) with my left hand.

Today I had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, a hand specialist.  He had me fitted for a special wrist brace that keeps my wrist perfectly straight.  (I had previously tried using a wrist brace at my OB's recommendation, but it kept my wrist at an angle, which is apparently why it didn't help.) 

I will need to wear this new brace as much as possible, including when I'm sleeping at night.  Hopefully it will make a difference.  If not, we will proceed to Plan B, which is a cortisone shot into my wrist.  Ugh.

Oh, and he mentioned that women who get this symptom in pregnancy generally have it recur in subsequent pregnancies.  Awesome ...

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

You poor thing! Offering prayers for your pain. Thank goodness Otto knows no difference!!