Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crenshaw Melon Soup

At this point, we've gone through so many different melons, I think the website is starting to make them up.  What the heck is a crenshaw melon, anyway?  It turns out to be a large melon, similar to a cantaloupe or a honeydew (but bigger).

I made this melon soup, and MJ and I unanimously agree: do not try this at home.  Ick.  That's all I have to say.

Also, I suspect there is a watermelon in our near future.  I would put money on it!

Otto is full-term now, so he (or she) could make his appearance at any time.  However, it probably won't be till closer to my due date ... or past it ... considering the results of my appointment this week.  I will have an update on his size after our ultrasound next Wednesday.

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