Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The other day I was sitting on the couch when I started feeling Otto move.  A lot.  And he wouldn't stop!  I'm used to frequent movement, but this was different: he was extremely active, and it lasted for a long time.  Finally I put down my book and just watched my stomach for a while.  I had to laugh out loud when my whole belly would lurch violently to the right or left.  What the heck was he doing in there?!  Breakdancing?  Ju jitsu?

Finally, after about 15 minutes, I realized that he wasn't going to stop anytime soon, so I grabbed a quick video.  Unfortunately I didn't capture any of the really big belly shape shifts, but you can definitely see him dancing around in there!

It's interesting that you're supposed to feel the baby move less towards the end of a pregnancy, because he or she is more crowded.  But so far, as in all things, Otto is doing the complete opposite of what he's supposed to.  Hmmm ... will I have an ornery child?

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