Tuesday, April 5, 2011

39w3d Update

Today was my last OB appointment before my due date (Saturday).  My doctor used his mini ultrasound to take a peek at Otto, and could immediately tell that Otto has still not dropped.  I wasn't too surprised to hear this, since I haven't felt any different, and from what I've been told it's pretty obvious when your baby drops.

So, after determining that Otto is still waaaaaay up there, my doctor decided not even to check me.  He said there was really no point -- clearly my body has not started preparing for labor, and the most he would expect to find is maybe a centimeter of dilation.  And that wouldn't tell us anything, anyway.

As I previously mentioned, my doctor is not one to induce labor if his patients are just a tiny bit late.  However, just to be safe, he wants to keep a close eye on things, to make sure the placenta is not deteriorating.  So starting on Monday (assuming the baby isn't born yet), I have twice-weekly appointments where I will have a non-stress test (NST).  This involves laying down at the doctor's office and twiddling my thumbs while various devices monitor the baby to make sure he is still moving around normally, his heartrate is going through the normal variations, etc. 

Ho hum.  This child is determined to stick to his or her own timetable, regardless of what his parents want!  Actually, I'm not quite ready for him to be born.  I could use another 3-4 days.  Really, arriving on his due date would be just about perfect, but obviously I don't get to choose!

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