Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 40 Belly Pic

I'm hoping that this is the last belly picture I take in this pregnancy!  MJ and I both have a feeling that this baby will come towards the end of this week, specifically sometime Wednesday through Friday.  So here I am, at the very end:

Symptoms at the end include: carpal tunnel (tingling and numbness) in the fingers on my right hand, morning aches in the joints of both hands, frequent backaches, massively swollen ankles and feet, and an itchy belly (mostly controlled by calamine lotion).  Not too bad, actually.  I thank God that this pregnancy has been so easy on me!

Today we went to early Mass, then took care of random chores around the house, and added a few more things to our hospital bag.  Then we took Rory to a local park we love to visit, and walked briskly for about 2 miles.  Walking is supposed to induce labor, you know! 

Now that I'm finished with the "must be done before baby" list, I'm moving on to my "nice to have done before baby" list.  I wonder how many of things on this list I'll check off before Otto arrives?   

Tick tock ... tick tock ...

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