Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Blessed Easter

We've had a perfect first weekend home with CC!  Easter is already a special time, but it was particularly meaningful for us this year.

MJ's parents came to visit and meet CC.  They already have two granddaughters, and they were just thrilled to welcome a third into the family.  I don't think CC went for a minute without being held by someone!  Grandpa even serenaded her with every children's song he knew once when she was fussy, and she calmed right down.

We decided to go to early Mass (7:30am) to beat the crowds and ensure we got seats.  So although it was just our second full day home with her, I had to get myself dressed and ready, plus feed and dress CC, pack a diaper bag, and be out the door by a specific (and early!) time.  My first test as a mom!  Fortunately all went well.  And CC cooperated by keeping her adorable Easter outfit clean all day:

The weather was gorgeous, the family time was special, CC is a miraculous blessing, and we couldn't have imagined a nicer Easter.

P.S.  I finished writing a description of CC's birth story, complete with some extra pictures.  You can find it at the top of the page or by clicking here.

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

She is adorable and I loved reading your birth story. It sounds Ike everything turned out well in the end, so I'm with you on feeling very satisfied. Looking at your sweet baby girl is all the reminder you need that everything went how it should! Congratulations. What a blessed Easter!