Thursday, April 7, 2011

Watermelon Punch

I was right -- there was a watermelon in our future!  This week, Otto is the size of a small watermelon.  So I made watermelon punch tonight, thinking it would be the perfect refreshing drink after a warm and busy day.

It was tasty (and MJ and I agreed that it would be great spiked with vodka), but it was very heavy on the lemonade.  You can taste the watermelon in the drink, but it's not the primary flavor.  Still, it was yummy and we enjoyed it.

There isn't a whole lot going on with the baby lately.  He is just packin' on the weight until birth.  He has been moving a lot lately, even more than he used to, hard as it is for me to believe.  Monday I have my next appointment, when we will check his movement and heart rhythms.

In the meantime, MJ and I have a relaxing but fun weekend planned, with some last-chance activities sure to distract us from the imminent birth.

Will I make it to my Monday appointment?  Or will the baby be here before then?  Stay tuned!

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