Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Mother's Day

Wow, my first Mother's Day as a mom!  There were a few moments when I got a little teary, thinking about how long I've wanted to have a child and how we're finally there.  But those happy tears were a welcome contrast to the sad ones I shed during past Mother's Days!

Unfortunately, CC decided to wake up every two hours on the dot the entire night before.  It wasn't the best way for me to start my first Mother's Day!  But everything else was perfect:  we had a nice visit with my parents and brother; CC stayed quiet and calm during Mass; MJ made a delicious brunch at home for all of us; I got a nice nap in the afternoon; and MJ wowed me with a beautiful necklace to commemorate the occasion.

When I was young, my mom learned to smock and made me many beautiful dresses, often with matching bonnets and bloomers.  In these pictures, CC is wearing the smallest of those dresses, hand-made by my mom about 25 years ago! 

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

E, you look awesome postpartum and like you've been mothering your whole life! Happy first Mother's Day of many to come.