Sunday, May 22, 2011

One-Month Checkup

This is what CC thinks about visits to the pediatrician:

Friday's one-month appointment went well.  There were a few surprises, as well as a few things I already knew.

Already knew: CC is perfectly healthy, of course!  Fiftieth percentile in length, weight, and head circumference.  Her sleeping and eating habits are normal.  She is strong, and she is very vocal (as she demonstrated to the entire building when she received her Hepatitis B vaccine).

Surprised to learn: CC gained less than a pound in her first month; she is 9 pounds 7 ounces now (a gain of 14 ounces).  Although the doctor said it was rare for a newborn not to gain at least a pound in the first month, she was not too concerned.  She did recommended a slight change to my nursing process that will hopefully cause CC to gain more weight in her second month, though.

Also, CC apparently shrunk this month.  Ha ha!  Her length at birth was 21 inches, but today she only measured 20.5 inches.  The nurse measured three times just to be sure!  The doctor laughed and said that birth measurements are often inaccurate, because babies are all curled up after 9 months inside their mommies, so there is a little "guesstimation" involved.  CC was probably only 20 inches when she was born.

CC's head circumference went up 2.5 centimeters.  That's a lot for a tiny baby!  Apparently our child is very out-of-proportion: her weight is less than expected, she shrunk in length, but her head got really big.  If I didn't have this adorable picture to prove how cute she is, you might think she was weird looking!

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