Thursday, May 19, 2011

One Month

It's already been a month!  CC rewarded me with having a surprisingly calm day: she took a long mid-day nap (wow!), and was quietly, happily alert for long stretches in the afternoon and again in the evening.  It was very much appreciated -- I really need good days every once in a while to give me stamina for the more challenging days!

To me, it doesn't seem like CC is any bigger than she was when she was born, but I'm sure she has grown tremendously (when I see her every day, it's hard to notice subtle differences).  But it's true -- many of her newborn outfits, including her going-home outfit, no longer fit her. 

MJ says he notices that her legs are a lot longer now than they were.  And she is definitely stronger -- she can hold her head up unassisted and look around, and she stays awake for much longer periods of time.

To honor the one-month mark, we took a family picture.  True to form, CC was perfectly content until we got into position for the picture, then she started fussing.  It would be nice to get a family picture just once where CC isn't crying and doesn't have a pacifier in her mouth!

(Yes, the lighting in the picture was a little odd, but it was a one-shot deal, and I was lucky it was in focus, MJ and I were looking at the camera, and CC wasn't red-faced and screaming!)

Her hair is lighter but still has a hint of red.  The first few weeks after she was born, most people said she looked like me.  But in the last two weeks, most people have told me they think she looks like MJ.

She is smiling often enough for me to know that they are "real" smiles -- I can consistently get her to smile by talking to her and touching her cheeks.  She has started to accept baths, but still hates being dried off afterwards.  She hates tummy time.  She loves being held upright in your lap, as if she was standing up, so she can look at your face.  Her best friend at the moment is the ceiling fan in the nursery -- she stares up at it and smiles constantly.

Mama is also doing better.  Last week I was able to put my wedding and engagement rings back on.  They are tighter than they used to be, but at least I can wear them.  I can wear many of my old pairs of shoes, although again, the ones that fit are tight. 

Tomorrow is her one-month appointment, and I am wildly curious to see how much she has grown.  I will report back afterwards!

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