Monday, May 2, 2011

Post Partum Update

I'm 12 days past my c-section now, and although the first few days were tough, I am basically feeling normal again now.  I rarely feel any pain associated with the surgery now, and just have minor discomfort if I press on my stomach.  I can get up and down with ease, in and out of bed without pain, walk up and down the stairs, and carry CC around without a problem. 

Starting on Tuesday, I will be able to drive again (although I will restrict myself to short trips for a while just to be safe).  I'm looking forward to resuming another degree of normalcy, although my ability to drive means MJ will go back to working full hours again.  CC and I have enjoyed having him around so much this past week!

I hesitate to mention this, because it might give the wrong impression, but last week I went back to wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes.  The reason this is misleading is because it doesn't mean I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  On the contrary, I still have almost another 20 pounds to lose! 

My belly badly needs some toning, which will need to wait a while yet, because my abdominal muscles haven't even grown back together yet (they separate during pregnancy).  And I still have swelling in my ankles and feet, so the only shoes that fit me are sneakers.  But MJ and I agree that my upper body and face are noticeably thinner, as are my legs and knees.

However, in general, I am pleased with my recovery from CC's birth.  I usually walk 1.5 or 2 miles each day -- slowly, but getting faster now.  And I've been lifting CC in her carseat without too much trouble, because I'll need to be comfortable with that before I can start running errands this week.

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