Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Three Weeks

Hard as it is to believe, CC is already three weeks old.  I shouldn't be surprised that time has flown so fast: her first four days were in the hospital, and then we had Easter weekend (and MJ's parents visiting), Mother's Day weekend (and my family visiting), MJ transitioning back to work, and me recovering from my c-section and mastitis.  And that doesn't even include all the "firsts" CC has had, and our on-the-job training as parents.  It's been a busy three weeks!

Last night CC had another two new experiences: her first sink bath (read here), and her first night sleeping in the crib.

Until last night, CC has slept in a bassinet in our bedroom.  But when she wakes to eat during the night, I take her into the nursery to feed her.  So there isn't much convenience added by having her sleep in the bassinet.  But poor MJ hasn't been sleeping well.  I think it has something to do with having CC in our room: he can hear all the little sounds she makes in her sleep, and it keeps him from restful sleep himself.

So last night we tried putting her to sleep in her crib.  CC herself didn't seem to notice a difference.  We wrapped her tightly in one of her swaddle blankets, let her drift off to sleep in Daddy's arms downstairs, and then MJ carefully transferred her to the crib without a hiccup.  And she slept there peacefully for six straight hours!

Some new things we've learned about CC in the last three weeks:

- She loves looking at bright things, particularly looking out the window.  We have re-oriented her infant chair to face the window and she really likes it.

- She likes to be held upright in our laps, as if she's standing up, so she can stare into our faces as we talk to her.  This maneuver can often calm a meltdown.

- She is not much of a cuddler.  She doesn't particularly mind being held, but she doesn't crave it, and holding her close won't help if she's throwing a tantrum.

- She is loving her pacifier!  We try not to give it to her too often, but there are definitely times when it's a lifesaver.

- She is learning to tolerate diaper changes and clothing changes better.  In the first week, these were the two activities most guaranteed to cause a complete meltdown, but now we can often get through a diaper change without even a whimper.

- There is something about restaurants that soothes CC; we've been out to four dinners and one lunch since coming home from the hospital with her, and so far she's batting a thousand.

- Her tantrums are getting less frequent (last night's bath aside).  Maybe she's getting more used to the "outside world," or maybe MJ and I are getting better at derailing them before they get bad, or maybe it's a combination of both.  But she rarely has an all-holds-barred meltdown now.

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