Thursday, June 16, 2011


Karma has struck.  Or God is laughing at me.  One of the two.  Was it just a few weeks ago that I told MJ I thought CC was turning into an easy baby?  I should have kept my mouth shut.

For the last week, CC hasn't slept well at night, which is unusual for her.  I've been lucky that she's slept well at night since she was about 4 weeks old.  But in the last week, she has only slept well one night.  During the other nights, she has, at best, woken up at 4, and at worst, woken up almost every hour.  Her sleep appears to be restless; I can her her making sounds throughout the night, even when she isn't fully awake.

She's also been extremely crabby.  Twice now in the last several nights she's has unexplained fits.  And I don't even think I could come up with words to adequately describe the intensity of these fits, but I'll try:  she's inconsolable, red-faced, screaming so hard she chokes trying to breathe.  Last night she wouldn't even eat, that's how upset she was -- and trust me, "unusual" doesn't even begin to describe that occurrence.

I found myself thanking God last night that she hasn't been like this since birth.  I know that some babies with colic fuss and scream for the first three months.  I don't know how their parents handle it.  I am normally a calm, mellow person, but last night I could feel my blood pressure rising.  It's incredibly frustrating to deal with an infant who can't communicate with you in any way except by screaming.  What could have been the problem?  I would have given anything to know how to fix what was wrong.

I am attributing her sleeplessness and crabbiness to her two-month growth spurt.  Please, Lord, let it be her growth spurt ... and let it be over soon.  God only gives us as much as we can handle, right?

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