Thursday, June 2, 2011


CC has turned into a pretty good nighttime sleeper.  I usually feed her around 9:30 pm, after which she falls asleep and doesn't wake until 5:30 am.  I am very pleased that she has fallen into this routine on her own, and so early.  I was prepared to not get a full night's sleep until she was several months old!

However, her daytime napping routine is less consistent.  Sometimes she naps most of the day; sometimes she stays awake almost all day.  I've been trying different ways to get her to nap, but with limited success.

Yesterday, after she'd been awake for almost 6 hours (a feat impossible for a baby her age, according to all the books),  I finally put her in her crib, closed the door, went downstairs and turned on the monitor.  Silence.  For the next 30 minutes, silence.  Success!  She had finally fallen asleep ... right?

I crept back up the stairs and peeked into the nursery.  CC was wide awake, smiling and flirting with the ceiling fan.  Sigh.  Well, at least she was content.  Thinking she would fall asleep shortly, I left her in the crib.  After 30 more minutes of silence, I though surely she must be asleep!  But no ... she was still wide awake and gazing happily at her best friend, the fan.

At this point, I threw in the towel.  Clearly she was just not tired in the least, and just wanted to play.  So I took her downstairs and decided to do some tummy time with her.  And within two minutes, this is what she did:

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