Sunday, July 17, 2011

Visit from Kris

These last few days, we were fortunate enough to be visited by a dear friend of mine, Kris.  She and I met when we were assigned to be roommates freshman year of college, and have been fast friends ever since.  Kris and I hadn't seen each other in about a year and a half, and she was eager to meet CC, so we were both really looking forward to the visit.

We spent a lot of time talking (as usual).  And we went shopping, which yielded some miraculous results:  I now have dresses and shoes to wear to both CC's and Dane's upcoming baptisms.  Will wonders never cease?!

Rory insisted she get some attention, too.  (I'm pretty sure Rory thought Kris was there to visit her.)

And, of course, Kris spent a lot of time loving on one little baby:

CC was so happy!  No major meltdowns, lots of smiles and coos, and even a demonstration of her quickly improving rolling-over skills.

Kris and I agreed that we should be better about visiting each other.  Phone calls just aren't the same!  We decided that CC and I should come visit her and her family this fall.  I am already looking forward to it! 

Sadly, Kris departed this afternoon.  Our long weekend of chatting, shopping, dessert eating, dinner making, baby playing, diaper changing, and wine drinking finally came to an end.  CC misses you, Aunt Kris!  (Me too!)


kyannone said...

Love those pics! Thanks for a great visit...definitely looking forward to the next one! Claire is so beautiful....she must get it from her mom :) have a great week!!

Team Copouls said...

I remember you posting about being unhappy with the Puj bath... I commented then that we bathed my son in a plastic dishpan from Target, but he's outgrown that! We just used our Primo EuroBath for the first time tonight and it was great!! It's pretty big, but it can be used for infants and toddlers (it forms to fit babies and bigger kiddos), so I think we'll be using it for a while!

Walker_Mom said...

Claire looks so big! Can't wait to see you.