Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lenten Obligations

As Catholics, we are obligated to both fast and abstain on certain days of Lent (the 40 days prior to Easter).  Officially, these days are only Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), and Good Friday (the Friday immediately preceding Easter).  However, tradition also mandates fasting and abstaining on all Fridays during Lent.

Fasting, in this context, means only eating one normal-sized meal per day, the other two meals being very small.  This includes no snacking in between meals, and assumes no "extras" such as dessert.

Abstinence, in this context, means not eating meat or meat products at all on those days.

Certain people are exempt from these obligations: children and elderly people, mentally or physically sick people, manual laborers, and pregnant or nursing mothers.

As you can see, I am not required to fast or abstain.  However, the whole purpose of fasting and abstaining is to remind us of the suffering of Christ prior to His resurrection.  It is a way of doing penance for past sins.  It keeps us in a state of grace and remembrance during Lent, a time of mourning and repentance.

Therefore, I participate how I can.  I abstain every Friday.  There's no need for me to eat meat, since plenty of other forms of protein abound.  MJ and I have fish, or meatless pasta, or cheese pizza.  Lunch yesterday was a PB&J.  These foods definitely fill me up adequately, but abstaining is still a sacrifice since I love meat.  But this is a sacrifice I can make without endangering my health or the babies'.

However, I cannot fast.  I was able to last year, when pregnant with CC, because I didn't have such an insatiable appetite!  But this pregnancy is much different.  If I haven't eaten in an hour or two, I start actually feeling lightheaded and very weak.  So Lenten fasting is not possible for me this year.

I feel mildly guilty, but it's not just my health to consider, so I know it's the right decision.

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