Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Advanced Maternal Age

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me ...

Yep, yesterday was my birthday.  It was a great day!  CC and I met MJ for a ridiculously unhealthy lunch at Five Guys (yummmm), then MJ came home from work early to watch CC so I could go get a prenatal massage (aahhhh).  Then a sitter came over to stay with CC while MJ and I went out to a nice dinner, where I even had dessert.  Add in phone calls from friends and family, and my day was just about perfect.  Does it get any better than that?!

However, now I'm 35.  And that means, according to the medical profession, I am "of advanced maternal age" and therefore at risk for all kinds of extra issues with these babies.

Bah!  I don't believe a minute of it.  We were offered the option of having additional testing (amniocentesis, etc) done on these babies, and we turned it down flat.  All the standard screenings and tests we've had are normal, so why should we borrow trouble?  I will trust the results we've had so far, and trust God that what will be, will be.

Besides, I've heard anecdotally from some doctors that advanced maternal age in this era is really more like 40 than 35.  And trust me, I will not be having any babies at age 40!

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