Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 32

... and another week hits the dust.  Only seven more left! 

I haven't gained any more weight, for the second week in a row, but I'm not too worried.  I'd been warned that weight loss would taper off and maybe even reverse towards the end of a twin pregnancy, since there's less and less room for my stomach.

I have definitely noticed that I get very uncomfortable when I eat a large meal.  It's like the worst post-Thanksgiving overstuffed feeling ever.  I've even asked MJ to remind me, when we go out to a restaurant for dinner, to order just an appetizer instead of a full meal.  I'm hungry, so I forget that there's no room for a regular meal, and I end up regretting it for hours later.

I've been feeling pretty good this week.  The cortisone injection into my wrist seems to have really helped, because I'm not getting any more nighttime pain, and I was even able to assemble and install a new coatrack/shelf the other day without my right hand going numb.  Also, the Ambien is a godsend.  I sleep soundly every night, and I don't even feel groggy in the morning.

This week I went swimming several times.  Aaah ... the luxury of having a close friend and neighbor with a pool!  It's lovely.  Fun for CC, fun for me, and oh so comfortable to escape the heat and take a load off -- literally.  I have a feeling CC and I (and MJ too, on the weekends) will be spending a lot of time in that pool this summer!

The babies are moving like crazy.  I told MJ the other day that I'm not sure if it's because they're more active than CC was, or if it's because there are just twice as many body parts to feel.  Hopefully it's just because there are two of them -- I don't need hyper babies!

They are just under 4 pounds now, and they have hair and miniature fingernail and toenails.  Their skin is getting soft and smooth, and they're starting to get that adorable baby chubbiness.  And at this point they're probably crowded enough that they won't be flipping over anymore -- where they are now is where they'll likely stay.  I have an OB appointment on Tuesday, so we'll find out what position they're in.


sonya said...

Will your dr allow you to carry the twins full term?

Carol said...

Boy, time flies when you aren't the one carrying those two around all day and all night! I can't believe you are almost there (and that means a visit sonner than later). Glad you can hibernate at the pool all summer.

Morrisons said...

Because my twins are di/di (the least risky kind of twins), my doctor is comfortable allowing me to go up to 39 weeks. That's apparently comparable to 42 weeks with a singleton. Beyond that, twins start increasing their chance of complications, so if I don't go into labor by 39 weeks, I will need a c-section.

sonya said...

Oh okay. I always assumed twins come early. My grandmother had two sets of twins both fraternal (my dad is a twin). The twins in my family have been identical and come early. I love reading about your twin journey. Thanks for the post.