Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 34

Five weeks left.  Time is starting to fly by as I scramble to get things crossed off my to-do list!

I feel about the same, except my back is starting to bother me a little more often.  Every night I alternate ice packs and hot pads while MJ and I relax on the couch.  Also (and this is not entirely bad), my appetite is back.  I haven't felt uncomfortably full this week, and every few hours I'm starving.  It's like the first trimester all over again!  I suspect it has something to do with all the weight the babies are gaining -- they double their birth weight in the last 8 weeks, and the calories have to come from somewhere!

I am feeling well enough to be getting a lot done.  And, of course, chasing after CC (who, by the way, is apparently battling some brutal new teeth because she's been inconsolably fussy for 4 days now.  God help us both!).  Almost everything is checked off my list now -- more on that in a later post -- and once I get CC's new big-girl room put together, we'll be in very good shape.

My weekly non-stress tests (monitoring the babies' activity) begin this week.  I'm not sure how it will go, considering I will have CC with me, and the test involves me laying still in a recliner for 30 minutes.  I will bring a lot of toys and snacks for her, and hope for the best!

The twins, meanwhile, are as active as ever.  I have felt so much large movement in the last few days, I almost wonder if Baby B has flipped again.  I don't know when my next ultrasound is, but I'll ask my OB this week.

They are about the size of cantaloupes, and based on my last ultrasound estimate, I assume they're both well into the 5-pound range now.  Their lungs and nervous systems are completing their development, and their immune systems are starting to work on their own.  Many women I've met online who are expecting twins at the same time I am have already had their babies!

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