Sunday, September 23, 2012


(With apologies to my sister-in-law, Susan, who wrote a similar post on her blog a few months ago and gave me the idea for this one.)

People often ask me if CC is talking yet. Well, I've discovered that "talking" is a relative term. Here's a list of her words:

Hi, Daddy, Mommy, up, ice, and baby: all these are perfectly pronounced and easily understood, even by strangers.

"Hah" means hat, or hop, or hot. It helps our comprehension that she will point (hat), demonstrate (hop), or blow on her food (hot).

"Bah" means bath, not to be confused with "baabaa," which is what she calls her stuffed lamb and the twins'  bottles. Also not to be confused with "buhbuh," which can mean either bye-bye or belly button.

"Deez" means keys, or cheese, or -- oddly -- shoes.

"Boo" is what she yells when she is trying to surprise me, or when something is the color blue, or when she wants blueberries.

"Noo" (rhymes with "boo") is her attempt to say "nose." When said repetitively, accompanied by vigorous shaking of the head, it means an emphatic "no."

"Naa" is the all-important "snack," heard frequently throughout the day, in the form of a question as she leads us to the snack cupboard and points: "Naa?"

"Ool" is her stepstool that she uses to climb onto the armchairs in the family room.  And has recently started to drag into the kitchen so she can peer onto the counters.

Interestingly, she is not saying "yes" yet, but she has recently started nodding her head. (It's not a perfect nod; it's more like a bobbleheaded wobble.)

Context is everything with a toddler learning her words!

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