Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Neverending Teeth

Lots of teeth come in around the one-year mark.  And when there are two babies, it seems like there's a new tooth (or two, or three) every week!

In the last two weeks, Sweet Pea sprouted two more teeth: an upper incisor and a lower incisor.  And when I went to get a picture of them, I realized that she's also gotten two molars!  You can't see them in this picture, but they're the two upper bicuspids.

Little Man also got a tooth, which means he now has 8.  And he's been fussing like crazy these last few days, so I'm expecting more any day now.

Both Sweet Pea and Little Man like to use their teeth.  Little Man is an "excited biter," meaning when he is happy and playing and gets too excited, he sinks his teeth into the closest person.  Sometimes it's Mommy, which makes all three kids giggle like crazy.  Sigh.  

Sweet Pea is an angry biter.  Twice in the last few weeks, she's chomped down hard on Little Man when he's taken a toy away from her or gotten in her way.  Poor guy!  She hasn't broken the skin either time, but she bit hard enough to leave teeth imprints in his skin for more than 24 hours.

CC is not learning good lessons from all this!

Update on Sept 11: Little Man had both his upper bicuspids (molars) pop through.  Gracious!  In case anyone's counting, that's seven new teeth in two weeks.

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