Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Jack O'Lantern

.. or, as CC says, "jack a-yanterr!"

She made her first one tonight after Sweet Pea and Little Man were tucked into bed.  Well, technically I made it and CC helped.

After I cut off the top, CC helped get all the goop out:

(In future years we will toast the seeds.  But it was a bridge too far for this year, when any effort on my part would certainly be wasted on three littles.)

CC was very interested in what was inside:

Once the pumpkin was empty, CC drew a face on it.  Closely supervised.  Few things are scarier this Halloween season than a 2-year-old with a Sharpie!

Okay, in the interest of fairness, I drew the teeth.  But CC drew the eyes, nose, and mouth all on her own.  It's only slightly Picasso-looking.

 CC's first Jack O'Lantern!

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