Thursday, April 24, 2014

Three-Year Appointment

This week, CC had her three-year well check. And as usual, I found myself saying a little prayer of thanks that God gave me such healthy children. I pray even harder that they remain healthy!

This was the first doctor's appointment where the nurses and doctor addressed CC directly. Upon entering the room, they looked right at her and said, "Hi! What's your name? How old are you? Are you a boy or a girl?" CC wouldn't say hi or wave, but she did answer direct questions promptly and correctly. I was one proud mama! The pediatrician was especially impressed that CC could pronounce the "th" sound when she said "three." The doctor said that only a handful of her three-year-old patients can pronounce that sound properly.

She weighed in at 28 pounds, 11 oz (29th percentile) and measured 35 inches (10th percentile). The doctor was pleased at these measurements and said that CC continues to be well balanced and healthy. 

And best yet, there were no shots at this visit! Literally, it's the first well check CC has ever had that did not involve vaccinations. I was thrilled to hear it, and CC was happy too (although I doubt she really remembers what a shot is). She was mostly thrilled that she got a sticker.

The last part of the exam was a vision screening. Several of my friends' children have glasses, and I've always wondered how doctors tested toddlers' vision. Well, with CC they had 4 flashcards with various pictures on them. Once they showed the cards to CC and verified that she knew what all the pictures were, a nurse stood about 12 feet away, asked CC to cover one eye, and asked her what each picture was. 

Interestingly enough, with one eye CC correctly identified all four pictures. With the other eye, she couldn't identify any of the pictures. The nurse gave it several attempts, but always with the same result. Afterwards, the pediatrician admitted that it's only a screening, not an eye exam, so the results aren't anything definitive. Sometimes 3-year-olds get bored, or distracted, or act silly. But considering the discrepancy between her eyes, and the fact that I have terrible vision, the pediatrician recommends that I have CC examined more thoroughly. So off to the ophthalmologist we will go.

But both CC and I came out of the appointment with high spirits. Another great visit under our belts!

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