Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Aaah, it begins. The years we have ahead of us, of kids participating in sports with all the associated teams and practices and games. It was just a matter of time.

CC had her first soccer practice this past Saturday. Please take the words "soccer" and "practice" very loosely. The only resemblance it bears to the games currently being played in Brazil is the ball and the fact that CC was standing on grass.

But that's just the way MJ and I want it. CC is way too young for any kind of organized sport or competitive game. Fortunately, there's an organization here which holds classes for 3-year-olds. Our only goal for CC at this point is for her to enjoy running around a field with other kids.

MJ took her on his own, so he gets photo credit here. And according to him, CC was by far the least involved child on the team! Hopefully with time she will begin to participate a little bit more, and follow instructions without MJ standing next to her on the field.

Classes continue for the next 8 Saturdays. I hope to come in the future, to see her for myself!

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