Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Party for Two (or fifty ...)

Sunday afternoon we hosted a large crowd of friends and family for Sweet Pea and Little Man's birthday. It was a bug-themed party! And although that might not sound so cute, trust me, it was adorable.

Our little birthday bugs were decked out in sweet buggy shirts: 

We had this amazing cake, courtesy of my mom:

This friendly little guy greeted everyone as they walked in the door (ladybug, butterfly and bumblebee balloons were also in attendance):

We had a Build-a-Bug station that was very popular:

As was digging for (fake!) bugs in our sandbox:

Our food was an amazing pork butt, smoked for 16 hours (courtesy of MJ), and assorted snacks like these:

And to drink, I (attempted) Beetle Juice, a punch with frozen gummy worms floating in it. Unfortunately the worms and ice sunk to the bottom, but it was still cute. And yummy.

For favors, I made ladybug and bumblebee masks:

And to finish the day, we actually captured a picture of all 7 cousins. Miraculous!

Whew! What a wonderful, exhausting, exhilarating weekend! The icing on the cake was that Grandma and Grandpa were here, too. There will be another blog post coming with pictures of their visit. Brace yourselves -- there are a LOT of pictures and blog posts I have to catch up on!

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